Lake Champlain Access Television is Community Media for the Towns of Colchester, Milton, Georgia, Fairfax, Westford, South Hero, Grand Isle and North Hero, VT.
We've been working with LCATV and other community media outlets in Vermont for a decade or more. We saw the D7 EOL announcement years ago and did the right thing for our trusted client, LCATV and got them on track for the switch to Backdrop. We launched the new Backdrop site about a year ago.
The LCATV site is well developed and stores metadata for thousands of locally produced television programs. We have a system in place that pushes up videos to Amazon for online streaming. That system is Linux based and works with the AWS command line tools and operates in parallel with the Backdrop system. We've recently updated the Linux side of things and LCATV's turnaround time for on demand video is faster than it's ever been. Better than ever with Backdrop.
The hardest parts of the transition to Backdrop were the theme and the custom module rework. We worked closely with LCATV staff as this developed and they were regularly testing code changes and improvements. The Backdrop setup is custom tailored to their needs and allows them to work efficiently with confidence that they are running a solid system that they can depend on. There have been no major outages or site downtime in the past year of Backdrop operation.
Check out Backdrop CMS and see why Stanford University and the NYC Museum of Arts and Design chose Backdrop. Then scratch your head and figure out why these guys who do large internation construction projects chose Backdrop. Not everybody needs or wants Enterprise Grade Drupal (or Enterprise Grade Costs or Complexity). As these projects show, sometimes Backdrop is just the right choice.